Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sacred Bullsh*t

Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens - Tea Houses
Hello again!  Merry meet!

Do you and yours have a special place you meet when you all want to get together?  A person's home?  The park?  A garden?

Well, if you could not tell already, this entry in my journal will be all on meetings.

Now, there's always a BIG question of:  I'm solitary, do I need a coven; do I need to go to meetings?  The answer is simple: Not if you do not want that.  Your Path is your own, make it what you need.

In my coven, there are two women who prefer to act as solitary witches, however, they will attend a summer meeting when all of our Pagan friends get together to have a pot-luck picnic.  They are always more than welcome to join in on our usual meetings, but they know that it is not expected of them if it does not feel right.

Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens - Tea Houses
Now, at this point, I'm sure you're saying, "How in the world can she call that a coven if there are solitary witches?  If they don't all believe the same thing?  That doesn't make any sense!"  Well, once again, the answer is simple:  Believe what sits right with you, and that's our common belief.  We refuse to force our ideals upon one another, save for that one subject.  If it does not sit right in your heart, you do not need to feel like you have to believe it.  We all have a love for one another, regardless of belief, and is that not what traditionally bound us together in the first place?  We are not a cult, and I do not force anyone to believe exactly as I do, I feel as if that would be wrong of me in my heart of hearts, and that is that.  We learn from one another.

So, back to the journal, some of you might be wondering why I've chosen the lovely title of "Sacred Bullsh*t", well, sometimes, people call the talking part of their meetings "sacred bullsh*t".  Whenever my coven gets together, the sacred bullsh*t part is when we do any rites or ceremonies, and then we all sit down to talk and catch up over "cakes and ale", which, for us, tends to be whatever we all bring to eat or drink with one another that day.

During a meeting, usually there tends to be a few main points covered:  Meeting and Greeting, Sacred Bullsh*t, Cakes and Ale, and Parting.  Meeting and Greeting is when everyone is arriving, you hug or kiss and say your hellos to one another, and get settled into the area, drawing a circle and such.  Sacred Bullsh*t, as explained above, is usually the ritual or rites, ceremonies, etc., and what happens each time depends on the occasion.  Cakes and Ale is the fun part, when all business is set aside and you can catch up with your fellow coven members whilst enjoying something tasty.  Our coven usually has each person bring a food or drink to share with everyone, in sort of a potluck way.  And finally, Parting, the part where we all say our farewells and disperse the circle.

Stan Hywet - Birch Alley
We usually end up meeting at a park or at someone's house, but it as always been my wish to have at least one meeting at the place pictured above, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens.  There, they have a huge mansion you can tour, as well as MANY gardens to sit in or photograph.  The Tea Houses (see photos above) is actually a place where many people choose to get married at Stan Hywet.  They have them walk down Birch Alley, the path that leads to the Tea Houses, as their Bridal March (see photo beside).  But those paths are also good for just walking together whilst you talk.

Growing up, I spent a lot of time at Stan Hywet, and I even wanted to get married here one day, however, my wish to hold a meeting there still stands above that.  I've always wanted to show my friends the beauty and wonder of this place.  It's definitely one of the ideal meeting places, in a garden, in my opinion, especially if your group is aiming to be one with nature during your meeting.

Well, that seems to be all I can spout about gardens and meetings as of right now.  So, once again, thank you or joining me.  Many blessings to you all!


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