1.  Is this your knowledge or are you using written knowledge? 
This is a compilation of the things I know by word of mouth from my teachers and their teachers before them, or from books, websites, and other places, all cited appropriately on the Cited Sources page.

2.  Are you trying to tell me that I've been doing it all wrong?
No.  Of course not.  This is simply the way I have taken down the same Path that winds with many others' footsteps.  Each practitioner has their own way, either solitary or in a group, and that is the right way as well.  There is no set way to learn or practice.

3.  Do you accept newcomers to your coven?  Can I join it?
Are you 21?  *pauses for laughter*  No, unfortunately, this isn't a way to collect coven members, as it is easier and more appropriate to hold meetings in person.  I'm not saying go tromping around town asking if people are witches or wizards and if they want to join your coven, but if you can, find some people closer to home.

4.  Boys can't be witches, can they?
Of course they can!  Where do you think wizards come from?  My husband is a wizard in the very same coven of which I am apart.

5.  You say you are a High Priestess.  Can you teach me how to become one?
This falls under question number two.  Each coven has their own way of doing things.  If you are already in a coven, but have no High Priestess, I'd suggest holding a vote with nominees as my coven did.  However, being a High Priestess is more than just a fancy title: It means you are the knowledge holder for your coven, and, as such, you should at least be able to remember facts such as group members' magick names and historical lore for your coven's path.  Even if your path is different, those two main parts remain the same with every High Priestess.  High Priests count for the same, too!

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