Thursday, January 30, 2014

Black Moon Month

Image From Google Image Search.
So, since there are TWO, count 'em, TWO New Moons this month, the internet is all a buzz with the words "Black Moon".  This has many people asking the question, "What in the world is a Black Moon?"  Well, to put it simply, it's the opposite of a Blue Moon.

Now, if you have absolutely NO IDEA what a Blue Moon is, I'll help you, it's when two Full Moons happen in one month.  So, a Black Moon is when two New Moons happen in one month, and this January is no exception.  Tonight, the moon will, once again, be dark.  Honestly, I think the whole subject is fascinating, however, there is very little to find on such a subject, if anything at all.

Some people speculate that it is a prime time to use magick, others say that it's a bunch of hogwash, so really, it is what you make of it.  Use it to your advantage and find out, or let it go, there is, after all, another chance to try it in March of this year. 

If you want more information about New Moons, Full Moons, and the like, check out Moon Giant, they have all sorts of cool information on all the moon phases, as well as calendars that tell when the phases were and when they will come.

That's all for this entry, unfortunately, as I have never heard the term before this year, I still know very little on Black Moons.  Hopefully my next entry on them will be more informative.

Thank you for joining me!  Hope to see you again next time!

Many blessings!


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