Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Inside My Journal

A new journal.  A muted-colored red leather, stitched in soft red threads, with a white silk ribbon as a bookmark.  It's quite a beautiful sight, and a far cry more beautiful than the old composition notebook I used to use for this very same subject.

It came to me on December the 21st, 2013, Yule of 2013, and I have been writing away in it every day since.  Copying down old notes, correcting those my child-self did not know any better to write correctly, and scribing new ones to sit along-side all those things I've learned in the past eight years has been more than enlightening for my now older, Pagan self.

That was a book that I never let anyone touch, and one I've certainly never lent it out to my fellow witches and wizards.  Now, its successor sits atop my blog, open for all to see.  Inside, every bit of knowledge I have acquired, and those I am acquiring still, pouring themselves out and onto these web pages for all to read.

Page 1.  My simple table of contents.  Well, the first half of it, really, but still, there it is, the first page of my journal.  Some of those things there are things I will cover in these online pages.  I don't know if everyone would find the same Latin words and phrases useful as I do, nor is it good to share your spells with anyone other than your coven, in my intuitive feelings.  However, many of the subjects listed here I do hope to cover in the coming year, and the years following.  This journal is a cover with replaceable inserts, the perfect thing for a note-taking, High Priestess such as myself, so I'm sure this wont be my last table of contents photo.

So, here's to a wonderful 2014, and many blessings to us all.

Thank you for reading.



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